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We first understand your problem. |
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We get details of your unit where you are Staying, Working or doing Business. |
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We align the information received based on the problem in hand highlighted. |
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We give solution to bring in positive energy without any structural changes of the place where you live. |
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Our solution is to re-align your objects in the premises, suggest changes in your present staying habit and some simple changes within the unit. The suggestions will be scientific and will in line of your general understanding. The same can be implemented by yourself. |
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We will also suggest Crystals, Stones or some Special Objects which you will have keep at designated places within the home or your place of work as advised by us. |
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We will review the same based on your feedback and provide a post implementation support for a period of one month. |
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You need to first identify the problem areas for which you are seeking remedy. |
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We offer our services in the areas of "Finance", "Career", "Health", "Relationship", "Stability", "Children studies and Behavior". |
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You need to first register yourself online with all your relevant details and your issues for which you are seeking resolution. Go to “REGISTRATION” Menu Fill in the online form with required details and SAVE it. |
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Transfer initial amount of Rs. 4501 (Rupees One thousand Five Hundred one only) to our account (Bank Account Details sent in the acknowledgement mail) after registration. Quote your registration number (generated once you save your registration). This will be the tracking number for all the correspondence.
Please note that the total consultancy charges will be for Rs. 10501 /- . The balance amount of Rs. 6000/- is payable on receipt of the report. |
Note :- The bank details for payment will be intimated to you through email confirmation or by SMS |
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Send us an email confirmation on payment quoting your registration number or you can send your demand draft payable at Mumbai to our address quoting your registration number. |
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We on receipt of the initial payment will send you our detailed questionnaire by email or post on the above areas to you for filling up the details. |
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You will send back the Questionnaire sheet, other information sought document and your house/unit/place layout (indicating North-South-East-West direction) to us at the earliest by email or by post. |
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On receipt of the information we will analyze and if required communicate with you for further information through Email, Phone, Skype or Chat. |
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Based on those understandings, we will start working on our recommendation report for the changes to be incorporated and work out suggestion for use of specific crystals, stones and special objects. |
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We will on completion send you an intimation of the report preparedness (a synopsis) and the necessary requirement for crystals, stones and special objects. The extra price of the crystals and specials objects will also be communicated. You can either buy it from us or procure it locally. |
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We will send you the complete report with our recommendation to your registered email id. On receipt with proper understanding and clarifications about our recommendation, please send across the balance amount as "Vaastu Dakshina/Fees) at the earliest to get the benefits. |
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We will guide you whenever you require to implement the changes or placing the crystals, stones and special objects for a period of one month. |
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we feel that the positive effects to be felt by you will require at least 3-4 months. You will then start feeling a change in your situation to a more positive side. |
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We await your feedback once you are fully satisfied. |